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  • September

    • Our septic design has been approved by Sunrise Water.

    • Bond work has been completed and final documents returned from the county.

    • Traffic Study was completed and sent to county for review. Waiting for their response.

    • Waiting for scheduling of pre-development meeting with the county.

  • August

    • Awaiting the completion of the Traffic Study.

    • Awaiting approval on the septic design by Sunrise Water.

    • Working on securing the required Bond for the project.

    • Praise God with us for the generous gift of $75,000 we received from an anonymous donor!


  • July

    • Lot consolidation has been completed to meet conditional use requirements.

    • Traffic study data has been collected and the report should be completed within the next couple weeks.

    • Awaiting confirmation of approval on septic design by Sunrise Water.

    • Please join us this coming Saturday, August 3 for the Building on Faith Garage Sale. Contact Brian Merrell for more details:

  • June

    • Working through the lot adjustment process with the county.

    • Awaiting confirmation of approval on septic design by Sunrise Water.

    • An additional traffic study will be performed within the next couple weeks.

    • Planning continues for our Building on Faith Garage Sale (Saturday, August 3).  Volunteers & donated items needed!   Click here to sign up or contact       

  • May

    • The demolition of the residence at 20651 Wiese Ct was completed and we are currently in the processes of combining our lots as part of the requirements for our development permit.

    • We are working with our traffic consultant from Lancaster Mobley to conduct one remaining traffic study.

    • We continue preparations for our Building on Faith Garage Sale Event Saturday, August 3rd.  If you have items to donate or want to volunteer contact

  • April

    • ​We are excited to announce that after several months of review, the DEQ has approved our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application! Praise the Lord! This was a major requirement of our conditional use permit. Thank you for your prayers during this process!

    • We have hired 503 Excavation to provide demolition services on the residence located at 20651 Wiese Ct. and preparations are currently underway for demolition to occur in early May.

    • We continue to work on completing the requirements for our development permit and our conditional use permit.

    • Preparations are now under way for our Building on Faith Garage Sale Event this summer on August 3. More info to come, but please save the date!

  • March

    • The Lord richly blessed our auction by bringing more than 270 people together and raising $76,886 for our Building on Faith Campus Expansion! Thank you to all those who participated!

    • We have been informed by DEQ that we are now in the final stage of the review process, and we hope to have an answer with the next month.

    • Proposals for demolition services have been received and are currently being reviewed. A company will be selected within the next couple of weeks.

    • We continue to complete as much of the permitting process and the requirements of our conditional use permit.

  • February

    • We continue to complete as much of the permitting process and the requirements of our conditional use permit.

    • The DEQ continues their review of our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application.

    • An RFP for Demolition Services has been sent out to potential vendors.

    • Planning for the Auction continues, and the team is really excited for the event. We have several items to be auctioned off and close to 25 table sponsors. The Event is now sold out, but there is a waiting list and more seats may soon become available

  • January

    • Thanks to our generous donors, we were able to raise over $300,000 in January. Our largest month to date. Praise the Lord!

    • The DEQ continues their review of our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application.

    • We are currently in the process of developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for demolition services with the assistance of Perlo Construction.

    • Preparation for our Building on Faith Spring Auction on Friday, March 15 continues.


  • December

    • The DEQ has begun the review process of our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application.

    • A request for a demolition permit with Clackamas County, separate from the building permits process, was made that does not require WPCF approval. This permit was recently approved, and next steps are currently being determined with the assistance of Perlo Construction.

    • We received $53,331 in year-end gifts with $50,000 of those gifts being matched, for a total of $103,331 raised in December. This brings our new grand total of funds raised and committed to $2.4 million!!! Praise God!

    • Preparations for our Building on Faith Spring Auction on Friday, March 15 continues. We are currenting looking for table sponsors and items to be auctioned.​

  • November

    • We prayerfully await the DEQ review and approval of our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for our improved septic system plan.

    • Although building permits cannot be approved until DEQ approves our WPCF septic permit, we have begun the process of submitting and paying for all the necessary permit applications in hopes that this will expediate the approval process.

    • Preparation for our Building on Faith Spring Auction on Friday, March 15 continues.

  • October

    • We prayerfully await the DEQ’s review and approval of our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for our improved septic system plan.

    • Although building permits cannot be granted until DEQ approves our WPCF septic permit, we are currently pursuing a demolition permit to begin work on Phase 1.

    • We are pleased to report that $2,047,000 has now been committed to Phase1 of the Building on Faith Capital Campaign. God is good and we keep moving forward.  However, much more will be needed before construction can begin.

    • Planning for our Building on Faith Spring Auction is underway. Please make plans to join us on Friday, March 15 for this special event!

  • September

    • The DEQ has approved our Hydro-Geo report. They will now begin the process of reviewing our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for our improved septic system plan.

    • We are pleased to report that over 2 million dollars has now been committed to Phase1 of the Building on Faith Capital Campaign! Thank you to those of you who have helped us get to this point!

    • Initial planning has begun for our Building on Faith Spring Auction which will take place on Friday, March 15. Save the date!​

  • August

    • The BOF Garage Sale Event was a huge success! We raised a total of $12,090 for our capital campaign for Phase 1 of our Master Plan. It was a great time of bringing together church and school families working together towards our common goal. A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers to helped make this event possible, all those who donated items to be sold, and all of you who made purchases!

    • The DEQ is currently reviewing the Hydro Geo Report. If that is approved, they will then begin the process of reviewing our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for our new septic system design.

    • Pre-construction design work continues in collaboration with Perlo Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (Land Planning).

  • July

    • DEQ is currently reviewing the Hydro Geo Report before they will accept our Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application to review for approval of our new septic system plan.

    • Pre-construction design work continues in collaboration with Perlo  Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (Land Planning)

    • Final preparation for the BOF Garage Sale Event on Saturday, August 5, 2023 is underway. Thank you to all of those who donated items for this event!

  • June

    • ​We are excited to announce that our Conditional Use Permit with Clackamas County has been approved! Thank you for your prayers throughout this process!

    • Water and soil studies have been completed. We await the results, as we prepare to start the process to complete the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for the DEQ in regard to our improved septic system plan.

    • Pre-construction design work continues in collaboration with Perlo Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (Land Planning).

    • Planning for our BOF Garage Sale fundraising event on Saturday, August 5, 2023 is underway.

  • May

    • ​We await the ruling of the Hearing Officer on our Conditional Use Permit Application.  We hope to hear something in the next few weeks.

    • Additional water and soil studies requested by DEQ have begun. This must be accomplished before we can complete the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for the DEQ in regard to our improved septic system plan.

    • Pre-construction design work continues in collaboration with Perlo Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (Land Planning).

    • Planning has started for our BOF Garage Sale fundraising event on Saturday, August 5, 2023. Save the date! More information to come.

  • April

    • Our Conditional Use Permit Application Hearing was held on April 20 and went very well. The county reported that we had meet all requirements for the application, however some in the public shared concerns related to traffic and the school. This was not a surprise in light of our location proximity to Hwy 212.  We have presented an updated recommended condition to the hearing officer and await a decision on final approval hopefully by the end of May.

    • Stantec (formerly Cardno) Land Planning is working to get additional water and soil studies be done as requested by DEQ. This must be accomplished before the process of completing the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for our improved septic system plan can take place.

    • Pre-construction design work continues in collaboration with Perlo Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (Land Planning).

    • Planning has begun for potential future fundraising events. Save the date for our BOF Garage Sale on Saturday, August 5, 2023. More information to come

  • March

    • Our Conditional Use Permit Application has been deemed complete by Clackamas County and a hearing has been scheduled for April 20.

    • DEQ has requested additional water and soil studies be done before we can start the process of completing the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit application for our improved septic system plan.

    • Pre-construction design work continues in collaboration with Perlo Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (formerly Cardno) Land Planning.

    • Planning has begun for potential future fundraising events. More information to come.​

  • February

    • ​We continue to schedule “Facts & Snacks” and “Lunch & Learn” gatherings, hosted by Brian Merrell, our Director of Development, that give a brief overview of the information shared at the Kickoff event and provide opportunities to get involved.

    • Perlo Construction has been hired to provide Construction Management/General Contractor services for the Phase 1 project.

    • Pre-construction design work has begun in collaboration with Perlo Construction, Mahlum Architects, and Stantec (formerly Cardno) Land Planning.

    • We continue to work with Clackamas County and DEQ on clarifying and providing all information and tasks needed to deem our application as complete.

  • January

    • Proposals for Construction Management/General Contractor services for Phase 1 have now been received and are currently being reviewed.

    • We have launched “Facts & Snacks” gatherings to provide folks who missed the Building on Faith Capital Campaign Kickoff event in December with a brief overview of the information that was shared and an opportunity to get involved. For information on attending, contact our Director of Development, Brian Merrell.

    • The county has requested some additional information/adjustments related to septic serviceability and property line adjustment that Cardno is assisting us with to work towards the approval of our conditional use application. 


  • December

    • The Building on Faith Kickoff Event was held on Friday, December 2, 2022 to launch the public phase of the capital campaign.

    • A new Building on Faith Website was launched to provide information and monthly updates on the capital campaign and construction process. (

    • Sent Construction Management / General Contractor Request for Proposal (RFP) out to potential construction firms. Proposals due by January 27, 2023.

  • November

    • ​Completed the creation of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Construction Manager/General Contractor services for Phase 1 to be sent out to potential construction firms.

    • The Building on Faith Kickoff Event was postponed to Friday, December 2.

    • Design meeting with Mahlum Architects was held to review the proposed 50% Preliminary Project Description and Design Drawings for Phase 1

    • An Authorization Notice Application was presented to Clackamas County to get approval to increase wastewater flow for an upgraded septic system.

  • October

    • Mahlum Architects have provided a proposed 50% Preliminary Project Description and Design Drawings for Phase 1 of the Master Plan.

    • Kent Wallace, our capital campaign consultant, visited to work with Brian Merrell on preparations for the upcoming Building on Faith Fall Kickoff Event which will launch the public phase of our capital campaign. This event will be on Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30pm in the Gym.

    • Clackamas County reached out requesting some additional information and some slight adjustments be made to our application. Representatives with Cardno (Land Planner) and Mahlum Architects are working to address these items.

    • The Elders approved a proposal from Mahlum Architects to begin design work for Phase 1 of the Master Plan.

  • September

    • All studies, reports, and documentation required by the county for the application process have been completed.

    • The complete application was delivered to the county for review. This process typically takes several months.

    • As the silent phase of the capital campaign is winding down, planning and preparation continues for the launch of the public phase.

    • Provided a Building on Faith Video Update with exciting plans for the fall that can be viewed by clicking on this link:

    • Plans for a Fall Kickoff Event on November 16, 2022 were announced.

  • August

    • Kent Wallace, our Campaign Consultant from the Champion Group (formerly IGC), was on site to assist us with the initial planning for a tentative launch of the public phase of the capital campaign this fall. More details to come in late September-early October.

    • We are working with Cardno (Land Planner) and Mahlum Architects to review an initial draft of all the application documents required by Clackamas County, with hopes to present a final version to the county in the coming weeks.

    • Upon initial review, Cardno (land planner) has determined that we will not need to replace our entire current septic system, but instead add an additional filtration system to carry the load of our projected campus expansion.

    • We received the results of the geotechnical report completed by NV5. Based on the exploration and analysis work done, it is their recommendation that the site can be developed as proposed.


  • July

    • The geotechnical surveys by NV5 are underway and we should have the final geotechnical report by sometime next month.

    • The sale of the residential property was completed and the proceeds of the sale were added to the Building on Faith fund.

    • Elders have approved a proposal from Cardno, our land planner, to design and upgrade the current septic system in preparation for campus expansion.

    • We are beginning to plan for a tentative launch of the public phase of the capital campaign this fall. More details to come in September-October.

  • June

    • In consultation with Cardno, our land planner, we have partnered with NV5 to conduct a Geotechnical Report of our property. The process involves gathering information about the foundation of our entire campus to evaluate if infrastructure improvements may be necessary for our proposed campus expansion. This work will begin sometime on July.

    • Received proposal from Cardno for designing and upgrading current septic system in preparation for campus expansion.

    • During the course of the sales process of 20565 SE Wiese Ct, an inspection revealed the need for some required repairs for the sale to go through. Cost of these repairs will come out of the sale of the property. The sale should be finalized in mid-July and proceeds will go to the Building on Faith fund.

    • Provided a Building on Faith Video Update heading into the summer that can be viewed by clicking on this link:

  • May

    • Elders approved proposal from Cardno to guide us through the entire application process with Clackamas County. This is a thorough process that involves a number of studies and research projects over the next several months.

    • Cardno has requested that we have a Geotechnical Report completed before the rest of the Land Planning process can begin, currently receiving bids for this project.

    • Property located at 20565 SE Wiese Ct. was put on the market late in the month and immediate received a full price offer. The sale is currently pending. Proceeds of the sale will go to the Building on Faith fund.

    • Director of Development Brian Merrell continues meeting with Caleb Study participants as well as church and school staff members.

  • April

    • Received proposal from Cardno (land planner) to guide us through the entire application process with Clackamas County.

    • Hired Chris Olsen of All County Real Estate as our Real Estate Broker in the sale of the residential property located at 20565 Wiese Ct. Property will be placed on the market sometime in May. All proceeds will go to the Building on Faith fund.

    • Director of Development continues meeting with Campaign Ambassadors and Caleb Study participants inviting them to become partner with us on our Building on Faith campaign.

  • March

    • Pre-application meeting with Clackamas County was held on March 15 and went well. Continued dialogue with ODOT and DEQ will be needed before a phased master plan can be completed

    • A Current Market Analysis of the residential property located at 20565 SE Wiese Ct. was completed.

    • In an effort to be transparent, our residential property tenants were informed that a master plan may possibly effect their residency in the future.

    • Director of Development Brian Merrell continues meeting with Caleb Study participants

  • February

    • Pre-Application meeting request forms were completed and presented to Clackamas County

    • Director of Development meets with Campaign Ambassadors and begins meeting with Caleb Study participants.

    • The Elder Council reaffirms its 100% commitment to the expansion of our facilities by each member making a personal financial commitment to the capital campaign over the next 3 years.

  • January

    • The new Director of Development (fundraising), Brian Merrell joins our staff.

    • Our campaign consultant, Kent Wallace provides onsite orientation and training to the new Director of Development.

    • Matt Lewis with Cardno was hired to assist us with land use requirements and the Pre-Application process required by Clackamas County.



"Building on Faith" is not about a physical building.  It means strengthening and growing in our faith, and moving in obedience to God when He directs us to go somewhere or do something, even when it doesn't look possible.  And yet, for Damascus Community Church, "Building on Faith" is also about physical buildings.  

For several years DCC has discussed improved facilities. To learn more about the history of Building on Faith, click here

September 2024 Update

August 2024 Update

July 2024 Update

Building on Faith

Building on Faith is a capital campaign for the future expansion of the Damascus Community Church and Christian School campus through the construction of a multi-year phased master plan.


Please contact Brian Merrell, our Director of Development, for more information.


Phone: 503-658-3179

14251 SE Rust Way

Damascus, OR 97089

503-658-3179                                                       503-658-4100                                 

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