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Our Story

Our History

The current campus of Damascus Community Church was originally built in 1968, with the sole purpose of serving as a church campus. Over the past 54 years, the buildings and grounds have been used by a diverse number of ministries designed to call people to follow Jesus and become like Him. More

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Our Need

We have truly been blessed and count it a privilege to be able to share Christ's love with our community through the many different ministries that use our facilities in multiple ways each week. However, we are close to maximum capacity. This has created some challenges that affect our ability to invest in the lives of our church families, our school families, and the community.


Our Opportunity

Anticipated development of the local area is now   at our doorstep. With thousands of new homes planned in both the Happy Valley and South Gresham areas, we are presented with an even greater opportunity to have a significant impact         for Christ on both present and future generations.



Our Numbers

In addition to prayer, for this campaign to be successful, we will need a unified financial commitment from all those who value the ministry of Damascus Community Church and Christian School. God is already moving in this regard.


Our Future

On the foundation laid by those whose faith in God brought us to where we are today, we continue to build on faith. Not just for this current generation, we build so that we might also call future generations to follow Jesus and become like Him.  In a world where people are increasingly isolated and divided, where we bear the painful scars of sin, and where the need for the Good News of Jesus Christ only grows, Damascus Community Church and Christian School strives to be a…


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We Need Your Support Today!

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